By combining comprehensive multiprotocol remote host access, client/server access, dial-up routing, shared dial-out, LAN-to-LAN routing and terminal server capabilities into a single hardware platform, ANNEX® Release 9.2 is now the only true enterprise-wide remote access solution available today. The ANNEX Communication Server supports connections of 8 to 72 ports. The ANNEX offers network managers one product that provides the following:
Support of all their users (Windows NT, Microsoft, Novell, Apple, UNIX, IBM, DEC)
Allows the use of a single telephone number & one modem pool
Provides one centralized audit trail
Authenticates all users through one corporate wide security system
Is managed by a variety of popular network management products
Scales from small to large networks
Incoming remote access protocols (ARA, PPP, SLIP, CSLIP, IPX and ASCII) are automatically detected by the ANNEX ports
Nathan Miller
District Sales Manager